Lab Puppy Training

Lab Puppy Training - Tips for Your Labrador Retriever

lab puppy trainingLab puppy training is fun for people of all ages and experience levels! Labrador Retrievers are among the most popular breed of dogs because they are so loving, energetic, playful, and reliable. If you are lucky enough to get one as a puppy, then you'll be able to raise him or her right from the start.

One of the first things you are going to notice about lab puppies is that they really want to please you. They are extremely intelligent and obedient so you should have no problem teaching them what is acceptable behavior and what is not. There is no need to ever use negative training or force on them.

Lab puppy training is important early on because when they are little they are much easier to control! Labradors grow up to be big and strong dogs, and if you don't teach them things like not to jump on guests, they could accidentally hurt someone. You also need to show them to stay calm around children. The chances of a Labrador intentionally harming someone are slim to none, but they are energetic and can accidentally knock little kids down when they get excited.

Even though your Labrador will probably have no problem getting along with other people and dogs in the future, it's still a good idea to get them socialized from an early age. Allow them to see other dogs and make sure they meet lots of people.

You will love how quickly your lab puppy can pick up commands like come, sit, and stay. In fact, with just a few treats and some positive reinforcement, most will figure out what you are asking of them in just a few tries. Remember though, that Labrador puppy training will be different for everyone. Don't get upset at your puppy if he or she takes a little bit longer to learn. As long as you stay positive, you will continue to build up their confidence which will help craft them into the best Labrador Retriever they can be!

You don't need to try any special tricks to teach your lab puppy how to sit or come. Simply push on their rear end with a treat in one hand and they'll get the message. Labradors are among the best breeds at coming when you call them. Simply get them very familiar with their name and praise them heavily any time they come to you.

During your lab puppy training, you need to make sure to never give your little friend attention if they jump up on you. Your goal is to quickly show them that if they jump up on someone, they get ignored. Labs don't like to be ignored and will quickly realize that you get someone's attention by sitting and being calm! Teach them this right from the start so when they get big the behavior will be long gone.

You will also want to start teaching your lab how to walk on a leash. This is pretty important because Labradors need a lot of exercise. You should be walking them every day when they get older and if you show them how to walk on a leash properly it will be an enjoyable experience for the both of you. When you first put the leash on them, slowly walk around. They should be eager to follow you. If your lab ever starts to pull, immediately stop walking. This will show them that pulling on the leash will cause you to stop. After practicing this leash training a couple of times, your lab puppy will be a great walking companion!

After you accomplish these basic lab puppy training commands, you can move on to more advanced tricks like paw shaking, spinning, and rolling. You'll have a lot of fun with a Labrador Retriever, and by training them, you'll strengthen the bond between you and them.

Keep in mind that lab puppy training is no different whether you have a chocolate, black, or yellow lab. They all have the same joyful, happy, eager to learn temperament.

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